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Bilgi HD Wallet Generator

Vue.js Ethereum Address Generator Component

This component is a multifunctional tool designed for generating, encrypting, and decrypting Ethereum-based addresses. Its structure is built upon Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework. Given its features, it's adaptable to any blockchain platform that is compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).

Mnemonic Phrase Generation: It allows users to generate a random mnemonic phrase. This phrase is crucial as it's the seed from which private keys are derived. Losing access to this phrase often means losing access to the associated funds.

Derivation Path: The component lets users specify a derivation path. This path is crucial in HD (Hierarchical Deterministic) wallets as it allows deriving different addresses from a single mnemonic seed.

EVM Compatibility: While Ethereum is the most well-known EVM-compatible blockchain, there are numerous other blockchains that utilize the EVM, such as Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, and more. This tool is versatile enough to generate addresses for any of these platforms by adjusting the derivation path.

Encryption and Decryption: One of the standout features is the ability to encrypt the generated data using a password and then decrypt it later. This offers a secure way to store and share sensitive information like private keys.

Address Range Generation: Users can specify a range, allowing the component to generate multiple addresses at once. This is particularly useful for services or platforms that need to manage multiple addresses.

BIP32, BIP39, and BIP44 Support: These are standards in the crypto community for generating addresses. BIP39 is for mnemonic phrases, BIP32 defines the hierarchical deterministic wallets, and BIP44 specifies a structure to derive paths.

Use Cases:
Wallet Creation: The primary use is as a wallet generator. Users can generate a mnemonic, derive addresses, and securely store or share them.

Backup & Restoration: By providing a mnemonic and derivation path, users can easily backup and restore their wallets, ensuring they never lose access to their funds.

Secure Data Transfer: Due to the encryption feature, sensitive data can be securely shared. This is crucial when transferring sensitive data across insecure channels.

Bulk Address Generation: Services, especially those conducting ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings) or token sales, may need to generate multiple addresses quickly. This component allows for that.

Educational Tool: For those new to the crypto space or seeking to understand the inner workings of Ethereum and EVM-compatible blockchains, this component serves as a practical educational tool.

Integration into Platforms: Developers or platforms that provide services for multiple EVM-compatible chains can integrate this component to streamline their address generation processes.

This Vue.js component is a robust tool that caters to both individuals and developers in the Ethereum and broader EVM-compatible blockchain ecosystem. Its versatility in generating, encrypting, and decrypting addresses makes it a valuable asset in various scenarios ranging from personal wallet management to enterprise-level applications.

Türkçe kısa bir açıklama geçeyim
Metamask için kendinize özel kriptolu adresler üretebilirsiniz.
Hocam Ethereum ve ya Binance Smart Chain tarzı forklar dışındaki coinler çalışmıyor Bitcoin'in derivation path'ını (m/44'/0'/0'/0/) giriyorum Ethereum adresi veriyor.

Ekli dosyalar

  • Screenshot 2023-09-04 102733.png
    Screenshot 2023-09-04 102733.png
    187.2 KB · Görüntüleme: 48
package main

import (

var (
mnemonic = "chunk actress derive slot adult field dumb degree horn bless daughter profit"

func main() {
master, err := hdwallet. NewKey(
if err != nil {

// BTC: 1AwEPfoojHnKrhgt1vfuZAhrvPrmz7Rh4
cüzdan, _ := master.GetWallet(hdwallet.CoinType(hdwallet.BTC), hdwallet.AddressIndex(1) )
adresi, _ := Wallet.GetAddress()
adresiP2WPKH, _ := Wallet.GetKey().AddressP2WPKH()
adresiP2WPKHInP2SH, _ := Wallet.GetKey().AddressP2WPKHInP2SH()
fmt.Println("BTC: ", adres, adresP2WPKH, adresP2WPKHInP2SH)

// BCH: 1CSBT18sjcCwLCpmnnyN5iqLc46Qx7CC91
cüzdan, _ = master.GetWallet(hdwallet.CoinType(hdwallet.BCH))
adres, _ = cüzdan.GetAddress()
adresiBCH, _ : = Wallet.GetKey().AddressBCH()
fmt.Println("BCH: ", adres, adresBCH)

// LTC: LLCaMFT8AKjDTvz1Ju8JoyYXxuug4PZZmS
cüzdan, _ = master.GetWallet(hdwallet.CoinType(hdwallet.LTC))
adres, _ = cüzdan .GetAddress()
fmt.Println("LTC: ", adres)

// DOGE: DHLA3rJcCjG2tQwvnmoJzD5Ej7dBTQqhHK
cüzdan, _ = master.GetWallet(hdwallet.CoinType(hdwallet.DOGE))
adres, _ = Wallet.GetAddress()
fmt.Println( "DOGE:", adres)

// ETH: 0x37039021cBA199663cBCb8e86bB63576991A28C1
cüzdan, _ = master.GetWallet(hdwallet.CoinType(hdwallet.ETH))
adresi, _ = Wallet.GetAddress()
fmt.Println("ETH: ", adres)

// ETC: 0x480C69E01 4C7f018dAbF17A98273e90f0b0680cf
cüzdan, _ = master.GetWallet(hdwallet.CoinType(hdwallet.ETC))
adres, _ = Wallet.GetAddress()
fmt.Println("ETC: ", adres)

zaman olmadığı için sadece evm uyumlu cüzdanları ekledim :)
bu golang kodu ile bir çoğunu oluşturabilirsiniz.
Peki hocam, ben de tkinter öğrenip Python kullanarak Exodus tarzı bir arayüzü olan kendi cüzdanımı yapmayı düşünüyorum senin gibi forumla paylaşırım belki ilerde.:)
ayrı bir konu oalrak paylaşırsanız sevinirim :)



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